Saturday, April 5, 2014

The first iceberg!

When we left Ushuaia we knew it would take about three days to get through the Drake Passage and reach our first stop.  It's tradition to have a contest to see who can guess the location and time of the first iceberg.  I learned how to read a nautical map and with a little math I came up with a pretty good guess of the longitude/latitude and time.  If I remember correctly my guess was probably about the second or third runner up but we spotted the iceberg about an hour or so before my guess.

The nautical map used to chart out location.

The bridge of the ship; right side was designated for the captain and left side was where passengers were allowed to quietly observe.  This was a great place to watch the bow of the ship as it crashed through the swells during the Drake Passage.  I'll post some GoPro footage of this later.

The first iceberg floating all alone.  We were so excited to see this giant white mass!  Honestly, I was surprised how excited I got and I was all alone in the cabin when the announcement came on the loudspeaker.  I seriously struggled to get the port open and I probably looked like a panicky maniac but I was able to get some great shots and of course take some selfies : )

Another view of the iceberg as we approached.

I took some pretty ridiculous pictures- hey, I was excited!

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