Thursday, April 24, 2014

Friends with (photography) benefits: Clif

I'd like to share some of the amazing photos taken by some of my new friends who happen to be extremely skilled photographers.  My new friends Clif, Stacey & Joe have captured some of the best moments of the trip in a way that many of us could not.

If you're on Instagram, I promise you will not regret following Clif's feed @levartz.

Cliff was there for one of the funniest moments of the trip: when a Skua picked up my GoPro and tried to run off with it.  Fortunately the Skua dropped it and I recovered the GoPro that was rolling at throughout the incident.  Check out the clip here.
Clif is amazing at capturing moments; he's somehow mastered the art of capturing whatever actually made the moment one worthy of taking a photo if that makes any sense.  I mean- look at the face on this seal! 

I love this picture. The Elephant Seal calf and the penguins around him on the beach- too cute.  Side note: Elephant Seals do not eat penguins, hence their harmonious existence at Deception Island.
This is the version Clif chose for Instagram; I'd love to share the original later- it is such an amazing photo that it almost looks fake.  

This photo is just so perfect there are no words. It captures exactly how it felt when we looked at this scene in real life.
Who doesn't like some good tail?  I gave up trying to capture whale tales and just enjoyed watching them; thankfully Cliff and others had faster fingers and better camera skills!

Another one that does not need any words.

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