Monday, April 21, 2014

Friends Part 3: Joe Fox!!!

Who is Joe Fox?  Here are a few bullet points to get us started:
  • Joe was the Irish guy who refused to drink until we hit the continent and he had finished working.  Infer from that what you will!  
  • Working? Yes, Joe was on the trip to work.  He's a pro (not the late-night kind as far as I know) but a pro as in professional photographer. 
  • At the beginning of the trip I sometimes wished that subtitles would pop up so I could understand what the heck he was saying.
  • I am proud to say that I can now understand Joe, even without a scotch.  Scotch has a way of making me a language expert.  Sometimes I even wish I could replicate a solid Irish accent; I think I'd be much funnier at social engagements.
  • One of the first things I learned about Joe was that he had never taken a selfie and that his 'mates' from home wanted him to give it a try.  Clearly we were meant to cross paths on this trip.
  • Joe has a hidden talent: Joe can really dance.  I'm digging around for some photo evidence but can't seem to find any…check out my post on (south)Pole Dancing to get an idea.
  • If you don't feel like reading this post at least check out the slide show Joe put together- at the bottom of this post.
All joking aside, Joe made all of us laugh and I'm thankful to have him as a friend! Joe, thanks for sharing your stories, your photos and for putting together that amazing slideshow.

Joe behind the lens at Cuverville Island.  For most of the trip, we only saw Joe's lens and the top part of his face.

Here's Joe taking a quick break before we dropped anchor.  
In Joe's words, here he is stalking Sullivan!  Photo taken by Billy.

An action shot of Joe working.  He was photobombed by a penguin!

Meet the other side(s) of Joe Fox:
When we heard that Joe was on a mission to take his first selfie, Vicky and I stepped in and did a photo shoot as we cruised through the Lemaire Channel.
4 of Joe's first selfies- these are the good ones ha!
As the trip progressed, Joe was getting the hang of taking group selfies- both eyes open - yay!

By the end of the trip Joe was getting pretty good at group selfies!  Sorry Jordan we failed and cut half of you out!
Apparently Joe was practicing by himself too.  He posted this one on FB last week!
I really hope this is a selfie - if it is, Joe, you did me proud!
I'm probably going to get an angry email for posting this one but I can't help it!  Look, we caught a Joe!  I think Vicky took this one after Joe won the whale tagging arrow in the ship's charity auction.  Joe has confirmed that it cleared customs and is safe at home with him.
Joe somehow always managed to find himself in the middle of all the action!
Joe, Borris & I were constantly battling for control of the music at night.  I'll give Joe the title of DJ but Foxy is my nickname. Mine!

This is so Joe can show all his mates back home that he was popular on the ship and making friends.  (He might have promised us free photos to pose with him. Just kidding.)
This photo cracks me up- it's our awkward prom pose!

Another selfie with Vicky!  This one was taken the night that Joe gave a guest presentation on photography.  
Here's a little clip of Joe's guest presentation on photography.  He spoke to us about his personal and professional experiences with photography and gave some pretty great advice on not getting too wrapped up in taking photos- instead focus on enjoying the moment. Admittedly I took less photos the next day on the excursions and focused more on just looking at what was around me.  Later than night I binge-photographed and made up for not taking nature photos via selfies.  I admit I fell off the wagon.  You know, ironically, the whole duck face thing started out as a joke because I'd promised my best friends from home that I'd take the first duck lip selfie in Antarctica.  I have no idea what happened but it became more than just a joke.  Anyway that's the subject of another post here.  If you have the time, watch this 5 min clip of Joe's presentation.  If you don't have the time at least listen to 30 seconds of it and hear him speak so you can match the voice to his face in these photos!  

I was so happy to see an email from Joe last week that referenced a slideshow.  We'd all been waiting to see some of his photos and I'm sure we'll all be harassing him to get to editing the other thousands that he's sitting on over there.  This is a fairly long slideshow but it's worth the watch.  Don't blame me when you find yourself singing Michael Jackson with an Irish accent later this week.

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