Friday, April 25, 2014

My favorite wildlife photos from Antarctica

 I want to share some more of my favorite photos of the wildlife in Antarctica.  I think most of these photos are by my friend Clif, see my previous post on his incredible Instagram photos!  I plan to go into more detail about each species like I did in my post about Pinnipeds but for now I just wanted to get my favorite images up before too much time goes by.
An amzing action shot of a whale about to dive.  Photo by Clif Hagstrom
Gorgeous shot of a Petrel gliding through the air with a blue ice wall in the backgroun.  Photo by Clif Hagstrom.
Incredible photo of a whale fluke as it dives into Wilhelmina Bay.  Photo by Clif Hagstrom
Another incredible shot of the Petrel in front of a giant wall of blue ice.  Photo by Clif Hagstrom
I love this shot of two Gentoo Penguins and what I believe is a Snowy Sheathbill.  I'm not sure who took this photo.
Chinstrap Penguins marching across a rock.  Photo by Clif Hagstrom
A Snowy Sheathbill taking a stroll.  Not sure who took this one either!

Another great whale shot.  Also not sure who took this, but most likely Clif!
Penguins porpoising through the water.

I love this photo of penguins doing a little bow; and I'm proud to say I took this one!
A fluffy little penguin!

Another favorite that I'm sure Clif took.  

This Fur Seal looks so cute and reminded me of my dogs a little bit.

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