Saturday, April 12, 2014

(south) Pole Dancing

I believe we were at dinner when we heard the following announcement: "Tonight's viewing of "Blue Planet" has been postponed and replaced with a dance party in the lounge."  If I remember correctly there was also reference to the continuation of Derek's birthday celebration.  Derek was one of our fearless expedition leader's who had a fantastic birthday celebration aboard that started with our daily happy hour.  This day was a little different- we brought back some glacier ice to use in our drinks!
One of the staff members, Ayako, holds the ice we brought back from the afternoon excursion to use in our drinks!

Rosey opening up some scotch and Ari (our resident whale biologist) hacking up our ancient ice!

My perfect scotch- I believe it was Laphroaig that night - with glacier ice. 

We ran into some pretty rough water later that night and to be honest I think most of us curtailed drinking when the sun went down, however, we managed to have one of the best dance parties ever with the help of the ship that was seriously rocking and rolling around the sea!  Imagine dancing to some classics and then all of a sudden the ship sways so much that all of us (congo lines included) were thrown in another direction. 

Below, our bartender, Rama, treated us to the most incredible Mick Jagger dance.  
It was pretty dark, but I think the lights were flashing, the music was pumping and we were all being thrown every which way!

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